How PitchForce Works

The PitchForce SELECT Process
Each weekly PitchForce event gives eight to ten companies an opportunity to present their company and business model to and present to angel and early stage venture capitalists. Each presenter has exactly 4 minutes to present their most important information. The event agenda goes like this:
4 Minute Pitch
Each company delivers a 4 minute slide deck pitch to the panelists.

Following the pitch, there will be a 4-minute Q&A session with the investor panelists.

Investor Feedback
Each startup will get on-the-spot expert feedback and interest from our panelists.

The Panel Votes
After the Q&A and feedback, the panel votes on a scale of 1-5 as to how much they like the company. The winner will receive a first place certificate and all startups will get a $5,000 credit towards a PeopleConnect recruitment search.

Building VC And Angel Relationships
Build a Great Team

Meet Investors And Attract Great Talent
Both presenters and panelists tell us that virtual PitchForce events are the most important start-up and early stage investor pitching opportunities, nationwide, and particularly in the Bay Area.