How Life Science Investor Pitches Work
The Life Science pitching process has 4 steps:
1 Each company will deliver a 1-minute elevator pitch to the panelists.
2 After each elevator pitch the panel will vote on a scale of 1-5 as to how much they like the company.
3 The top 5 vote getters will then make a 4 minute PowerPoint presentation, followed by 4 minute of questions and answers, followed by 4 minutes of non-rebuttal feedback. Then the panelists vote again on the company based on their 4 minute PowerPoint.
4Finally, winners are announced following the pitches. Companies that do well often are invited to meet with the investors to pursue securing Angel or VC investments.
PitchForce Life Science Panelists
View LinkedIn profiles for some of our PitchForce Life Science investor panelists.

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